Zapoteca/restaurante Y Tequeleria, a new Mexican/ Fine Dining Restaurant opened last night in the Old Port. I had stopped by in the afternoon to check it out and the staff was in typical last minute, oh shit we don't have menus printed yet!!! mode. Soft openings are what they are a time to iron out the kinks, see how the kitchen crew & wait staff handle the pressure of everything being new. So when I went back around 7 O'clock and saw a decent crowd I wasn't surprise to see little signs of nervousness around the food. Which looked pretty good. ( I'll be doing a full shoot in a couple of weeks. ) Happy faces at the tables and the bar side was full.
Zapoteca's website is coming soon, in the meantime, here's some helpful info:
505 Fore Street
Twitter@EatZapoteca |
I hadn't yet been into Gingko Blue.
Being a big Jazz/Blues fan I wanted to stop in for a look see.
What I saw I liked very much!
The Portland Quartet was lighting it up.
A little hard bop, a few softer standards mixed in, nice rhythm going down.
Nice place to shoot the band, I'll be back! |
Much like it's sibling establishment, this place has a very big city feel.
The atmosphere is distinctly new for Portland. |
It also has the coolest men's room in Portland.
Didn't ask to see the ladies, but it's on my list.
Gingko Blue
455 Fore Street
at the corner of Temple